Introduction – Habits Highly Effective People. “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a self-help book by Stephen R. Covey. It was first published in 1989. The book is considered a classic. Especially in the personal development and leadership literature. It presents a framework for personal and professional effectiveness. The famework is based on seven […]
Author: Andrew
Why Your Mindset Is Important – Determination Is The Key
Let me explain why your mindset is important. In life’s journey, success often hinges on the mindset we adopt. Our perspective shapes our thoughts, attitudes, and actions, ultimately determining whether we overcome or succumb to challenges. In Addition, there is a thread that binds the most remarkable stories of success. It’s not just talent, luck, […]
WHAT IS STOICISM: The Best Way to Internal Peace
What is Stoicism in Simple Terms? In straightforward terms, What Is Stoicism or what does it mean? In essence, Stoicism encourages us to concentrate on the aspects we control, like our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Simultaneously, it advises us to acknowledge and make peace with the elements beyond our control, such as the actions of […]